Privacy Policy - The Kennel Club

1. Introduction

1.1 The Kennel Club Limited (we or us) is committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy.
1.2 This Privacy Notice, together with any other documents referred to in it, sets out the basis on which any personal data that we collect from or about you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.
1.3 For the purpose of the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018, the data controller is The Royal Kennel Club Limited (company number 8217778), whose registered office is 10 Clarges Street, Piccadilly, London W1J 8AB.
1.4 We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time. Any changes we make in the future will be posted on our website at Please check back regularly to see any updates or changes to this Policy.
2. Data protection team

The contact details for our data protection team are as follows:

  2.1.1 Email our data protection team

01296 318 540


The Kennel Club, 10 Clarges Street, London, W1J 8AB


It is the responsibility of the data protection team to keep our organisation and our staff informed and advised about their obligations to comply with data protection laws, to monitor compliance with those laws, to train staff and conduct internal audits, and to be the first point of contact for supervisory authorities and for individuals whose personal data we are processing.

3. Particulars of processing

We process personal data about The Kennel Club’s stakeholders (this means The Kennel Club members, The Kennel Club registered dog breeders, owners, Petlog registrants, The Kennel Club's licensed event entrants (all competitors including show classes, field trials, gundog working tests, obedience, working trials, agility, flyball, heelwork to music, rally and canicross races), visitors to our website or to The Kennel Club's events, and individuals and organisations with whom we work collaboratively) in a range of ways, and for a range of purposes.


The categories of person about whom we process personal data are described in more detail in the Particulars of Processing that are set out in the Schedules to this Privacy Notice.


It may be the case that you have contact with us in more than one capacity, so please read this notice and then look at all the relevant schedules that may apply to you if you wish to know more about how we process your personal data, including the purposes and legal basis.

The specific Schedules are as follows:


The Kennel Club Members, Associates and Affiliates [Schedule 1];


Young Kennel Club Members [Schedule 2];

  3.3.3 Breeder and Owners of Kennel Club Registered Dogs [Schedule 3];
  3.3.4 The Kennel Club Assured Breeders [Schedule 4];
  3.3.5 Petlog Registrants (Breeders, Keepers, Implanters and Authorised Agents) [Schedule 5];
  3.3.6 Exhibitors/Competitors and other participants at The Kennel Club's Events [Schedule 6];
  3.3.7 The Kennel Club Approved Judges [Schedule 7];
  3.3.8 Visitors to Crufts and Discover Dogs [Schedule 8];
  3.3.9 The Kennel Club Registered Clubs & Societies and Listed Status Clubs (including Companion Dog Show Organisers) [Schedule 9];

The Kennel Club Rescue Organisation Representatives [Schedule 10];

  3.3.11 The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors Members [Schedule 11];
  3.3.12 Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Members [Schedule 12];

Education & Training Providers [Schedule 13];


The Kennel Club Academy Users [Schedule 14];


The Kennel Club Shop Users [Schedule 15];


Subscribers to Publications & Newsletters [Schedule 16];


The Kennel Club Library & Collection Services Users [Schedule 17];


The Kennel Club Liaison Council Members [Schedule 18];


Dog Photographer of the Year Entrants [Schedule 19]


Note – we will use personal data sometimes for statistical purposes but retain anonymity so you cannot be identified.


The Kennel Club will generally process your personal data for contractual necessity in providing our products and services or its legitimate interests. The Kennel Club will use personal information for additional relevant purposes where you might reasonably expect us to do so, where the benefits of doing so are not outweighed by your own interests or fundamental rights or freedoms. The law calls this the “Legitimate Interests” condition for processing. Where we rely on it, the benefits being pursued are:


To monitor, analyse and improve our services and websites, including enhancing and personalising your customer service.


Managing your account including order completion.


Complying with/supporting compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.


Internal training purposes.


To maintain our records and other administrative purposes, including updating your details and preferences


To assist with queries, complaints and dispute resolution; including transmission of email enquiries to breeders, judges, clubs etc. coming via contact forms from traffic from The Kennel Club's website portal (please be assured that email addresses published on the website can be redacted upon request).


To improve data accuracy and completeness - when you register for our services you may supply us with additional information about yourself which we will use to improve our data accuracy and completeness.


To ensure network and account security.


Email tracking – in order to improve our communications with you.


Invitations to participate in canine market research or canine health studies or relevant events - in order to improve the health and welfare of dogs and/or to improve our services; we may ask you to participate in research for time to time or invite you to relevant events. This may be with partnered respected research organisations and universities.


Invitations to provide The Kennel Club product and services feedback – in order to improve our services, we may contact you for your feedback from time to time.


Upholding The Kennel Club regulations to which relevant data subjects are under contract to adhere to and taking disciplinary action in cases where these are breached, including publication of decisions and sharing decisions with overseas Kennel Clubs where there is a reciprocal agreement.


Providing you with information on relevant legislation (including amendments to such legislation).


To investigate, analyse and resolve any issues with services, databases and associated platforms.


The Kennel Club may process your personal data where there is a legal necessity to help the relevant authorities to prevent and detect crime such as animal welfare offences, trading standards offences and fraud and money laundering.


We may monitor and record communications with you (such as telephone calls) where there is a contractual necessity for the purpose of quality assurance, training and compliance. All calls received into The Kennel Club General Enquiries, Petlog General Enquiries and Petlog Lost and Found teams will be automatically recorded for these purposes, as specified in our Call Recording Policy (available on request from our data protection team). All call recordings will be processed and stored in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.


Where we ask for your consent this will usually be for marketing purposes by email. Where our processing of personal data is based on your having given consent, you have the right as a data subject to withdraw that consent at any time. Please note that the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on that consent before its withdrawal.

If you wish to invoke this right, please notify our data protection department using the contact details set out in Section 2 above. Please include the words DATA PRIVACY REQUEST in the subject line of your email, or at the top of your letter.

4. Your rights as a data subject

This Section 4 sets out the rights that you have as a data subject, by reason of the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.


The UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 provide the following rights (subject to some exemptions):


The right to request access to the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request rectification of the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request erasure of the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request restriction of processing about you;


The right to object to processing; and


The right to data portability.


If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please notify our data protection department using the contact details set out in Section 2 above. Please include the words DATA PRIVACY REQUEST in the subject line of your email, or at the top of your letter.


You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. In the United Kingdom, the supervisory authority is the Office of the Information Commissioner, full contact details for which can be found at

5. Retention of data

We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.


We record telephone calls for quality monitoring, training, and compliance purposes. All calls received into the Kennel Club General Enquiries, Petlog General Enquiries and Petlog Lost and Found teams will be recorded in compliance with Data Protection Legislation. Recordings of calls will be kept on file for 12 months from the initial call. Further information can be found in our call recording policy, which is available upon request.


We retain webchat transcripts for quality monitoring, training, and compliance purposes. Webchat transcripts will be kept on file for 12 months from the initial webchat.

6. Recipients of data

We use service providers to help us provide you with our services. Personal data may be transferred to these outsourced data processors, who act for or on our behalf, for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the data were originally collected or may otherwise be lawfully processed. We only disclose your data to third parties for a limited number of reasons, these include: services delivery, communications, marketing, data management, technical support, evaluating our services and processing payments.


Such third parties have contracted with us as data processors under the requirements in the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018. They are contractually bound to only use personal data for the agreed purpose(s). Relevant persons working for these third parties will have access to your personal data under the terms of the data processor contract, but only to the extent necessary to perform their services for us.


These data processors agree to implement reasonable contractual and technical protections, to keep your data confidential, not sell your personal data to third parties and to not disclose your personal data to third parties except as may be required by law, as permitted by us or as stated in this Privacy Policy.


In appropriate circumstances we may disclose data to authorised bodies as required by law. This may include (but is not limited to) the Police, HMRC, Local Authorities/Trading Standards and so on.


We may provide personal data to our partners for administrative purposes where necessary and compliant.

7. Visitors to The Kennel Club's websites

We use cookies to monitor how people use our websites. Our first party cookies set directly by our website collect data on:


Log-in preferences.


Google Analytics: to collect information about visitor behaviour on our websites. This analytics data is not tied to personally identifiable information. We do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.


Banner advertising: whether you have seen an advert and how long since you have seen it.


Tracking PPC campaigns.


Facebook Custom Audience Pixel: to provide targeted advertising on Facebook.


We collect these cookies in order to provide you with our online services and to analyse visitor behaviour on our websites.


Cookie information is held on your browser and you can amend your browser settings at any time. However, please be aware that blocking or deleting all cookies will affect the usability of our websites.


Please see our Cookie Policy for further information on data we collect through our websites and how you can block and delete cookies


We may collect your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, which is a number assigned to your computer when you connect to the Internet. As part of the protocol of the Internet, web servers can identify your computer by its IP address. In addition, web servers may be able to identify the type of browser you are using. The Kennel Club collects IP addresses for the purposes of internal security, website analysis, and system administration, including to assess the traffic on the website, and to maintain and make improvements to the website. We do not link IP addresses to personal information, but we can and will use IP addresses to identify a user when we feel it is necessary to ensure compliance with this Privacy Notice or our Terms and Conditions, to protect the website, users, or other visitors, or to comply with applicable laws.

8. Facebook Inc. – Custom Audience Ads

We may work with Facebook to display interest-based ads to you or to your friends on Facebook through a tool offered by Facebook called the Custom Audience Tool. This tool allows us to personalise our ads based on you or your friends’ experience on our services in order to provide ads tailored for each specific recipient.


We may share personal information with Facebook, which will then be hashed. This permits Facebook to identify our advertising audience based on the information that Facebook collects from its users. If you do not want to receive interest-based ads on Facebook, you can adjust your ad preferences through your Facebook settings.

9. Google Ads - Interest based ads

We may work with Google to display interest-based ads to you on Google Search through a tool offered by Google called Google Ads. This tool allows us to personalise ads based on your experience on our services in order to provide ads tailored for each specific recipient. A remarketing tag pixel uses your IP address as the unique identifier; however, it will not contain data such as your name, home address or phone number.


We may also share personal data with Google, which will be hashed to keep your data secure. This means that data is scrambled before being utilised to ensure nobody else can gain access to it. This sharing enables Google to identify our advertising audience and allows us to offer you the best possible online user experience and improve the relevancy of our advertising. It allows us to provide you with more of the content you want to see and allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.


You can opt out of Google's use of cookies or device identifiers by visiting Google's Ads Settings or the Google Marketing Platform opt-out page. Alternatively you can control the use of device identifiers by using your device’s settings.

10. Contact details

You can contact us at the data protection team details above if you have any questions or concerns about personal data and privacy matters.


Please include the words DATA PRIVACY REQUEST in the subject line of your email, or at the top of your letter.

Schedule 1 - The Kennel Club Members, Associates and Affiliates

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to The Kennel Club's Members, Associates and Affiliates.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Occupation
  • Proposer/seconder (members)
  • Information on breeding, judging, activities, committee membership (associates)
  • Partner name (affiliate – joint membership)
  • Affiliate number (affiliate – renewals)

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Most of the above personal data is received direct from you as the data subject. However, information may be received from third parties (e.g. joint membership, proposer/seconder name).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to your membership, associateship or affiliation with The Kennel Club.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to your membership, associateship or affiliation with The Kennel Club.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by email to inform you of amendments to the rules of your membership, associateship or affiliation with The Kennel Club. We will also make these changes available through our website, so please check the website regularly.

Contractual Necessity

Publication of your information in The Kennel Club Year Book.


Contacting you by email to inform you of Chairman’s communications, seasonal invitations to events and discounted offers for products and offers for events such as Game Fair, Olympia and Countryfile Live, and proposals for new members.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of new members and new associates in The Kennel Club Journal.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to your membership with The Kennel Club or canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data will be retained for the duration of your membership, associateship or affiliation.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its contracts with members, associates and affiliates.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's membership services for you.

Recipients of your personal data

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors, in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our communications:

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 2 - Young Kennel Club Members

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Young Kennel Club members.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Membership number
  • Competition information (e.g. dog information)
  • Training Day/Event information
  • CV
  • Parent/guardian declaration (for children)
  • Emergency contacts (parents/guardians’) information
  • Medical information for youth development courses (with your consent)

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Most of the above personal data will be received direct from you (the data subject) or your parent/guardian. However, name and date of birth on sibling membership may also be received from third parties (i.e. the person providing the information).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to your YKC membership.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to your YKC membership.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by email to inform you of amendments to the terms and conditions or membership scheme rules for the YKC. We will also make these changes available through our website, so please check the website regularly.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of the YKC Newsletter.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email regarding benefits and discounts relating to your YKC membership.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of competition results on the YKC web page, including name and age range

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to your YKC membership or canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

If you exhibit or compete a Kennel Club events, please see Schedule 6 for how we process your data in relation this activity.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data will be retained for the duration of your membership of the Young Kennel Club.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer the YKC.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide Kennel Club services relating to your membership of the YKC.

Recipients of your personal data

We disclose data to our outsourced data processor, Impress Print Services Ltd ( in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our YKC Newsletter mailing.

Personal Data (including medical information) is provided to Kingswood Learning and Leisure Group Ltd ( for development courses with your consent.

Personal data is provided to the Scottish Kennel Club ( for them to contact you regarding relevant events.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data

Livestreaming activities

We use Microsoft Teams to provide our livestreaming activities.

Microsoft may process information such as your name, IP address and email address in order for Microsoft Teams to function. Please see Microsoft’s privacy information.

Livestreaming activity sessions will be recorded via Microsoft Teams to ensure an accurate record of the event is logged and available for review in the event of any safeguarding concerns arising.

Participants will be notified at the time of booking that livestreaming activities will be recorded. When a livestream activity starts all participants will again be notified of the recording a provided with a link to Microsoft’s privacy notice. 

Recordings are stored securely in a controlled repository that is protected by permissions and encryption.

We will not share the recording other than as necessary by law with appropriate authorities in the event of a safeguarding concern.

If you are unsure what any part of this Privacy Policy relating to your YKC membership means, then please email the Young Kennel Club team who will be happy to explain or answer any of your queries.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 3 – Breeder and Owners of Kennel Club Registered Dogs

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to breeders and owners of Kennel Club registered dogs.

If you are an assured breeder please see Schedule 4.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address and IP address
  • Telephone number
  • Litter/dog information (e.g. microchip number, passport number, Kennel Club Registration Number)

We may hold:

  • Breeder Licence
  • Will

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Most of the above personal data is received direct from you as the data subject, where you have chosen to provide the information, through the completion of applications for registration services and related products and services. Joint ownership information may be received from a third party (one of the joint owners). Litter/dog information and personal data may also be received from third parties in relation to litter/dog information, or family members, executors or professional advisers in relation to wills.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to breeders and owners of Kennel Club registered dogs.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to registration of dogs.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain The Kennel Club's Registration database, including pedigree, ancestry and canine health information.

Contractual Necessity

Publishing breeder information on the Find a Puppy service (The Kennel Club website) – if you are an assured breeder please see Schedule 4.

Contractual Necessity

Publishing the breeder/owner’s name and dog information (registration name, health information and show/competition awards) in relevant Kennel Club documentation as part of the registration process, including the Breed Records Supplement which is available to the public.

Contractual Necessity

For single dog registrations where the breeder is not the applicant, publishing the breeder’s name and dog information (registration name, health information and show/competition awards) in relevant Kennel Club documentation as part of the registration process, including the Breed Records Supplement which is available to the public.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to provide dog related information and initiatives and marketing information about The Kennel Club products and services.


Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you in order to invite you to some of our introductory breed showing competitions which may be of interest to you with your puppy/dog.

Legitimate Interests

To provide tools for breeders to enable responsible breeding.

Legitimate interests

Publishing dog information (registration name) and health screening results connected to your dog in the Health Tests Results Finder and Mate Select calculations and publishing dog information (registration name and registration number) in relevant health test reports on the website as part of the registration process.

Contractual Necessity

Publication of newly granted kennel names in The Kennel Club Journal (and Kennel Name holdings). For first approvals only the Kennel Name is included, for transfers or new interests the holder’s name is also included.

Legitimate Interests

Confirmation of a dog’s registered ownership will be released in appropriate circumstances to assist with transactions.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to inform you of relevant breed health tests and relevant health testing clinics.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to inform you of relevant health seminars, both general and breed specific.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data is stored on The Kennel Club's Registrations Database and the Website Dashboard on secure servers at the Kennel Club.

The information about dogs will be held indefinitely in underpinning The Kennel Club's Registration System. Personal data may be redacted upon request, but not so as to compromise The Kennel Club's Registration database.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of your personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its registration services and to maintain the parentage/pedigree Kennel Club Registry.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide the relevant Kennel Club products and services relating to the registration of your litter/puppy (as appropriate).

Recipients of your personal data

Kennel Club Partnerships:

  • Agria Pet Insurance Ltd: ( The Kennel Club is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd. If you are a breeder registering a litter or a new owner effecting a change of registered ownership, your data will be used if you activate the Kennel Club Pet Insurance offer included in your registration or owner pack or via the Agria website. If you have consented to such, during the registration or transfer process, your contact details (email, telephone, SMS, address) will also be provided to Agria in order for them to contact you regarding The Kennel Club Pet Insurance and relevant products and services including their Breeder Reward Scheme. Please be assured that contact details will not be provided without your consent. Agria may need information from the data to manage your policy and claims
  • Nestlé Purina: ( The Kennel Club and Nestlé Purina are Partners in Pet Nutrition. If you have given your consent for such, your personal data may also be provided to Nestlé Purina for them to contact you by email regarding their relevant products and services.

Health Schemes & Canine Research:

  • British Veterinary Association: ( the BVA have a look-up into The Kennel Club's database for the administration and implementation of the KC/BVA hip, elbow and eye schemes.
  • Research Partners: Your dog’s data including registered name, registration number and health results may be used for canine research and statistical purposes and shared for that purpose with trusted and reputable research organisations and universities for the sole purpose of undertaking research to improve dog health and welfare.
  • Edinburgh University (Dog’s Life): For Labrador breeders and owners, your dog’s date of birth and registration number is provided to Edinburgh University with an option for the respective owner to sign-up to the Dog’s Life research programme. If you have signed up to the programme, it allows you to document information about your dog throughout its life, which Edinburgh University will use for canine research purposes.

Outsourced Data Processors:

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our communications:

  • MBA Group: ( for breeder registration mailings, activity registration mailings, change of registered ownership mailings, and stud dog letters
  • First Move Marketing Services Ltd: ( for a reminder to change The Kennel Club's registered ownership for new owners

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 4 – The Kennel Club Assured Breeders

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to assured breeders.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • IP address
  • Breed/Dog information
  • Breeder Experience
  • Inspection information

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Most of the above personal data is received direct from you as the data subject. Joint membership information (joint member) and inspection information (assessors) may also be received from third parties.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to your membership of the Assured Breeders scheme.

Contractual Necessity

Providing you with services relating to your Assured Breeder scheme membership and the registration of dogs.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain The Kennel Club's Registration database, including pedigree, ancestry and health information and assured breeders.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by email to inform you of amendments to the terms and conditions or membership scheme rules for the Assured Breeders scheme. We will also make these changes available through our website, so please check the website regularly.

Contractual Necessity

Publishing the breeder/owner’s name and dog information (registration name, health information and show/competition awards) in relevant Kennel Club documentation as part of the registration process, including the Breed Records Supplement which is available to the public.

Contractual Necessity

For single dog registrations where the breeder is not the applicant, publishing the breeder’s name and dog information (registration name, health information and show/competition awards) in relevant Kennel Club documentation as part of the registration process, including the Breed Records Supplement which is available to the public.

Legitimate Interests

Helping the relevant authorities to prevent and detect crime such as animal welfare offences, trading standards offences and fraud and money laundering.

Legal Necessity

Contacting you by email to provide dog related information and initiatives and marketing information about The Kennel Club's products and services.


Publishing breeder information on the Find a Puppy service (The Kennel Club website).


Publishing your information on the Find an Assured Breeder listing (The Kennel Club website).

Legitimate Interests

Publication of new members of the Assured Breeder Scheme (name and kennel name) in The Kennel Club Journal.

Legitimate Interests

Provision of the Assured Breeder scheme newsletter

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

To provide tools for breeders to enable responsible breeding.

Legitimate interests

Publishing dog information (registration name) and health screening results connected to your dog in the Health Test Results Finder and Inbreeding Co-efficient calculations and publishing dog information (registration name and registration number) in relevant health test reports on the website as part of the registration process.

Contractual Necessity

Publication of newly granted Kennel Names in The Kennel Club Journal (and kennel name holdings). For first approvals only the kennel name is included, for transfers or new interests the holder’s name is also included.

Legitimate Interests

Confirmation of a dog’s registered ownership will be released in appropriate circumstances to assist with transactions.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to your membership of the Assured Breeders scheme and canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to inform you of relevant breed health tests and relevant health testing clinics.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to inform you of relevant health seminars, both general and breed specific.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data relating to your membership is retained for the duration of the Assured Breeders scheme in order to effectively administer the scheme (previous membership status will be flagged on The Kennel Club's database).

Data relating to the registration of dogs is stored on the KCS Registrations Database and the Website Dashboard Account Database on secure servers at The Kennel Club.

The information about dogs will be held indefinitely in underpinning The Kennel Club's Registration System. Personal data may be redacted upon request, but not so as to compromise The Kennel Club's Registration database.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer the Assured Breeders scheme and for The Kennel Club to administer registration services and maintain the parentage/pedigree Kennel Club Registry.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to your Assured Breeders scheme membership.

Recipients of your personal data

The Kennel Club Partnerships:

  • Agria Pet Insurance Ltd: ( The Kennel Club is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd. If you are a breeder registering a litter or a new owner effecting a change of registered ownership, your data will be used if you activate The Kennel Club Pet Insurance offer included in your registration or owner pack or via the Agria website. If you have consented to such, your contact details (email, telephone, SMS, address) will also be provided to Agria in order for them to contact you regarding Kennel Club Pet Insurance and relevant products and services including their Breeder Reward Scheme. Please be assured that contact details will not be provided without your consent. Agria may need information from the data to manage your policy and claims
  • Nestlé Purina: ( The Kennel Club and Nestlé Purina are Partners in Pet Nutrition. If you have given your consent for such, your personal data may also be provided to Nestlé Purina for them to contact you by email regarding their relevant products and services

Assured Breeders’ names may be provided to Nestle Purina under legitimate interests for administrative purposes in ensuring assured breeders are entitled to relevant benefits.

Health Schemes & Canine Research:

  • British Veterinary Association: ( the BVA have a look-up into The Kennel Club's database for the administration and implementation of the KC/BVA hip, elbow and eye schemes
  • Research Partners: Your dog’s data including registered name, registration number and health results may be used for canine research and statistical purposes and shared for that purpose with trusted and reputable research organisations and universities for the sole purpose of undertaking research to improve dog health and welfare
  • Edinburgh University (Dog’s Life): For Labrador breeders and owners, your dog’s date of birth and registration number is provided to Edinburgh University with an option for the respective owner to sign-up to the Dog’s Life research programme. If you have signed up to the programme, it allows you to document information about your dog throughout its life, which Edinburgh University will use for canine research purposes

Outsourced Data Processors

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our communications:

  • MBA Group: We disclose data to MBA Group ( for breeder registration mailings, activity registration mailings, change of registered ownership mailings, and stud dog letters

Primary Authority Partnership

  • City of London ( The Kennel Club has a co-ordinated partnership arrangement for the City of London to provide Primary Authority services, namely advice on licensing issues raised by assured breeders. For verification purposes and administration of the Primary Authority partnership, The Kennel Club will provide a list of licensed assured breeders names, addresses and contact details to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy for publication on the Primary Authority Register ( Assured breeders will be notified and able to opt-out of publication, with details only being published where no opt-out has been received.

Authorised Organisations

  • In appropriate circumstances we may disclose data to authorised bodies as required by law. This may include (but is not limited to) the Police, HMRC, Local Authorities/Trading Standards, Welfare Agencies and so on

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 5 – Petlog Registrants

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Petlog registrants.

Schedule 5A – First Keepers

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • IP address
  • Telephone number
  • Breeder Licence
  • Petlog ID Number
  • Pet information (e.g. microchip number, pet details, passport number, The Kennel Club Registration Number, tattoo number, collar tag numbers, deceased status)
  • Reports of missing animals

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data may be received from third parties (implanters, veterinary surgeons practice management systems) or directly from you as the data subject. For those using the Petlog Premium service, second carer information (name and contact details) and holiday/temporary contact information (name and contact details) will be provided by the keeper – these additional contacts are to aid reunification should the registered keeper be unavailable. Breeder licence number and deceased status may also be received from third parties (e.g. microchip implanters, welfare or vets).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of Petlog registration services relating to reunification.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain the Petlog database which hold information for the reunification of pets with their keepers.

Contractual Necessity

In respect of dogs, contractual services necessary to comply with the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Legal Necessity

Contacting you by email to provide animal related information and initiatives (no marketing communications).


Contacting you by post regarding related animal initiatives, and animal health and animal welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your pet safe, healthy and happy (no marketing communications).

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to microchipping services, animal health and animal welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data is stored on the Petlog Database and is retained for the lifespan of the microchipped animal. Data may be removed on request thereafter.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its reunification database service through Petlog and, for dogs, compliance with the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Non-dog pet owners are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to your registration on the Petlog database.

For dogs, keepers are obliged to provide the information described in the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland). Consequences of failing to provide this information to a verified database may result in action being taken under the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Recipients of your personal data

  • Compliant Microchip Databases: will have access to a look up tool into the Petlog database in order to check which microchip database holds the microchip record – this processing is based upon statutory requirements of the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland)
  • Authorised Agents & Welfare Organisations: will have access to look up personal data in order to effect the reunification of pets and keepers – as is necessary for the provision of the service and/or law enforcement agencies e.g. the police or local authorities
  • Statutory Authorised Bodies: we will also provide data as required upon receipt of enquiries from statutory authorised bodies e.g. the police or local authorities
  • Solicitors: we may disclose limited keepership details (your name and address) to Solicitors under the exemption in Schedule 2 Part 1 paragraph 5.(3).(c) of the Data Protection Act 2018 where it is necessary to do so for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal rights, to the extent that the application of those provisions would prevent the controller from making the disclosure. We do not rely on the exemptions to data subject rights in blanket fashion but apply them on a case-by-case basis. Disclosure of keeper information may be necessary if there is no other way for the legal representatives to locate or identify the current owner of the dog. Details will only be disclosed to solicitors subject to restriction on further disclosure. If there is a civil dispute regarding a previous chain of ownership for a dog that has subsequently been rehomed then the legal title may need to be confirmed.

Outsourced Data Processors

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our service or our communications:

International transfers

As some of our external third parties are based outside the UK, their processing of your personal data will involve a transfer of data outside the UK.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK on this basis, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring that our contract with the relevant service provider includes provisions approved for use in the UK which are intended to give personal data the same protection it has in the UK.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 5B – New Keepers (Transfers)

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • IP address
  • Telephone number
  • Petlog ID number
  • Pet information (e.g. microchip number, pet details, passport number, KC Registration Number, tattoo number, collar tag numbers, deceased status)
  • Reports of missing animals

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject or is provided by welfare organisations. For those using the Petlog Premium service, second carer information (name and contact details) and holiday/temporary contact information (name and contact details) will be provided by the keeper – these additional contacts are to aid reunification should the registered keeper be unavailable. Breeder licence number and deceased status may also be received from third parties (e.g. microchip implanters, welfare or vets).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the legal basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of Petlog registration services relating to reunification.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain the Petlog database which hold information for the reunification of pets with their keepers.

Contractual Necessity

In respect of dogs, contractual services necessary to comply with the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Legal Necessity

Contacting you by email to provide animal related information and initiatives (no marketing communications).


To invite and remind you to update your details and to upgrade to Petlog Premium (Lifetime Membership Scheme).

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related animal initiatives, and animal health and animal welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your pet safe, healthy and happy (no marketing communications).

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to microchipping services, animal health and animal welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data is stored on the Petlog Database and is retained for the lifespan of the microchipped animal. Data may be removed on request thereafter.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its reunification database service through Petlog and, for dogs, compliance with the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Non-dog pet owners are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to your registration as a keeper on the Petlog database.

For dogs, keepers are obliged to provide the information described in the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland). Consequences of failing to provide this information to a verified database may result in action being taken under the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Recipients of your personal data

  • Compliant Microchip Databases: will have access to a look up tool into the Petlog database in order to check which microchip database holds the microchip record – this processing is based upon statutory requirements of the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland)
  • Authorised Agents & Welfare Organisations: will have access to look up personal data in order to effect the reunification of pets and keepers – as is necessary for the provision of the service and/or law enforcement agencies e.g. the police or local authorities
  • Statutory Authorised Bodies: we will also provide data as required upon receipt of enquiries from statutory authorised bodies e.g. the police or local authorities
  • Solicitors: we may disclose limited keepership details (your name and address) to Solicitors under the exemption in Schedule 2 Part 1 paragraph 5.(3).(c) of the Data Protection Act 2018 where it is necessary to do so for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal rights, to the extent that the application of those provisions would prevent the controller from making the disclosure. We do not rely on the exemptions to data subject rights in blanket fashion but apply them on a case-by-case basis. Disclosure of keeper information may be necessary if there is no other way for the legal representatives to locate or identify the current owner of the dog. Details will only be disclosed to solicitors subject to restriction on further disclosure. If there is a civil dispute regarding a previous chain of ownership for a dog that has subsequently been rehomed then the legal title may need to be confirmed.

Outsourced Data Processors

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our service or our communications:

  • Vetfone: ( our service provider for out of hours calls, have access to a look up tool into the Petlog database in order to facilitate reunification services.
  • MBA Group: ( for Petlog Registrations and Petlog Premium Upgrades.
  • Sigma Connected Limited (, which provides call centre services for Petlog users, along with its South African affiliate Sigma Connected SA (Pty) Ltd.

International transfers

As some of our external third parties are based outside the UK, their processing of your personal data will involve a transfer of data outside the UK.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK on this basis, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring that our contract with the relevant service provider includes provisions approved for use in the UK which are intended to give personal data the same protection it has in the UK.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.


Schedule 5C – Authorised Agents & Welfare Organisations

What personal data do we process?

  • Name (individual or organisation)
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • PIN or Vet code

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject, or may be received from third parties (microchip suppliers).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the legal basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications

Contractual Necessity

Maintaining the Petlog database which hold information for the reunification of pets with their keepers

Contractual Necessity

In respect of dogs, contractual services necessary to comply with the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Legal Necessity

Provision of Petlog registration services for keepers of microchipped animals relating to reunification.

Legitimate Interests

Facilitation of the reunification of registered animals

Legitimate interests

To carry out research relating to microchipping services, animal health and animal welfare

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data is stored on the Petlog Database and is retained for as long as you remain an authorised agent.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its reunification database service through Petlog. You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform any Petlog services relating to reunification.

Recipients of your personal data

  • Statutory Authorised Bodies: we will also provide data as required upon receipt of enquiries from statutory authorised bodies e.g. the police or local authorities.
  • Pet Keeper: if you report an animal as found and the keeper contacts Petlog directly, we will provide your details to aid the reunification.

Outsourced Data Processors

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our service or our communications:

  • Vetfone: ( our service provider for out of hours calls, have access to a look up tool into the Petlog database in order to facilitate reunification services.
  • Sigma Connected Limited (, which provides call centre services for Petlog users, along with its South African affiliate Sigma Connected SA (Pty) Ltd.

International transfers

As some of our external third parties are based outside the UK, their processing of your personal data will involve a transfer of data outside the UK.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK on this basis, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring that our contract with the relevant service provider includes provisions approved for use in the UK which are intended to give personal data the same protection it has in the UK.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.


Schedule 5D – Implanters

What personal data do we process?

  • Name (individual or organisation)
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • PIN or Vet code

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject, or may be received from third parties (microchip suppliers).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the legal basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Administration and transactional communications

Contractual Necessity

Provision of Petlog registration services for keepers of microchipped animals relating to reunification.

Contractual Necessity

In respect of dogs, contractual services necessary to comply with the Compulsory Microchipping Regulations (England and Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Legal Necessity

Implementing the backtrack service, to facilitate reunification if there is no recorded keeper of a microchipped animal.

Legitimate interests

For Petlog registration queries, in order to maintain the Petlog database which holds information for the reunification of pets with their keepers.

Legitimate Interests

For invoicing purposes to the respective microchip supplier.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data is stored on the Petlog Database and is retained for as long as you remain registered implanter.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its reunification database service through Petlog. You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform any Petlog services relating to reunification.

Recipients of your personal data

  • Statutory Authorised Bodies: we will also provide data as required upon receipt of enquiries from statutory authorised bodies e.g. the police or local authorities.
  • Microchip Suppliers: we will provide your data to our respective contracted microchip suppliers, as confirmation you have implanted the microchip.

Outsourced Data Processors

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our service or our communications:

  • Vetfone: ( our service provider for out of hours calls, have access to a look up tool into the Petlog database in order to facilitate reunification services.
  • Sigma Connected Limited (, which provides call centre services for Petlog users, along with its South African affiliate Sigma Connected SA (Pty) Ltd.

International transfers

As some of our external third parties are based outside the UK, their processing of your personal data will involve a transfer of data outside the UK.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK on this basis, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring that our contract with the relevant service provider includes provisions approved for use in the UK which are intended to give personal data the same protection it has in the UK.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 6 – Exhibitors/Competitors and Other Participants at The Kennel Club's Events

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Exhibitors/Competitors at Kennel Club events, which consist of: Crufts, Discover Dogs, International Agility Festival, Field Trial Championships, Scruffts, Agility Team GB and HTM Team GB.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • DOB
  • Emergency Contact
  • Dog information (Fosse Data)
  • Passport (YKC EOJ Coaching Team)

For Agility Team GB we hold only your name, address, email address and telephone number and for HTM Team GB we hold only your name, address and email address.

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Most of the above personal data is received direct from you as the data subject. However, for entrants applying to Crufts we will receive schedule and results data from Fosse Data Systems Ltd (

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications for exhibitors/competitors entering The Kennel Club's events (including information about the event and related discounts/offers).

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to The Kennel Club events.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by email to provide dog related information and initiatives and marketing information about The Kennel Club's products and services.


Publication of your name, address, phone number and dog information in the show catalogue. You are able to opt-out of your address and phone number being included.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of junior warrants, permissions to show, disqualifications, fines and penalties in The Kennel Club Journal.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of field trial competitor results and awards in the Field Trials Newsletter.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of the Scruffts, EOJ, World Championships and European Championships winners’ name and dog name on The Kennel Club website.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email with sponsor related information (Crufts).

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to The Kennel Club events and canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

To request feedback and provide information about future events.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data is held for up to a maximum of 12 months from the date of the various events.

  • Crufts competitors/exhibitors – 12 months (until next show)
  • Discover Dogs competitors/exhibitors – 12 months
  • IAF competitors – 12 months (until next show)
  • Scruffts, entrants, semi-Finalists/competition winners – April-March of that year
  • YKC EOJ Agility Team GB Competitors/Coaching Team – 12 months
  • Field Trial Championships – 12 months
  • Field Trial Training Days – 12 months
  • Agility Team GB – 12 months
  • HTM Team GB – 12 months

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its exhibitors’/competitors’ entries into The Kennel Club events.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform any contract we have with you for entry into The Kennel Club events.

Recipients of your personal data

We disclose data to our outsourced data processors, in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy.

  • Print Suppliers: Exhibitor and competitor data will also be disclosed to our print supplier for publication in the show catalogue. You have the facility to withhold your address details from the catalogue if you so wish.

Management of Event Entries:

  • Fosse Data Systems Ltd: ( Crufts exhibitors’ and competitors’ personal information will be processed directly by Fosse Data as a data controller.
  • Higham Press Ltd: ( is a data controller for personal data.
  • First Place Processing: ( IAF exhibitors’ and competitors’ personal information will be processed by First Person Processing, who are our data processor for managing entries to the event.
  • Agility Services Online/IOS: Crufts Agility and Discover Dogs Agility competitors’ personal information will be processed by ASO/IOS.

The Kennel Club will receive data from Fosse Data and Higham Press as part of the results service.


Agility Team GB

  • Information is provided to the Coaching Team (who are under contract including confidentiality).

Have a Go Dog Shows

  • Have a Go Dog Show participants’ data will be provided to the relevant Club or Society for the purpose of administering the event.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

The Kennel Club Olympia Agility Stakes Final

Agility competitors compete at The Kennel Club registered heats throughout the UK – Secretaries of clubs forward results to The Kennel Club. The Kennel Club processes finalists’ name, address, email address and telephone number. We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Inviting finalists to The Kennel Club Olympia Agility Stakes Final via email

Contractual Necessity

Sending out polo shirts and passes to attend the show in December

Contractual Necessity

We do not publish your data or share your data with any third parties.

Authority to Compete

Exhibitors from overseas who want to compete in any Kennel Club licensed event in the UK may apply for an Authority to Compete registration number for their dog which will be valid for the life of the dog or until such time as the dog resides in the UK. The Kennel Club processes exhibitors’ name, address, email address and telephone number. We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications for exhibitors/competitors entering Kennel Club events (including information about the event and related discounts/offers).

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to The Kennel Club events.

Contractual Necessity

If your ATC dog has sired a litter, disclosing your name and your dog’s name to the breeder registering that litter online in order to confirm the details of your ATC stud dog. We will notify you of the inclusion of your ATC stud dog litter registration.

Contractual Necessity

Trade Stand Holders

The Kennel Club processes trade stand holders’ name, address, email address and telephone number. We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications for trade stand holders at Kennel Club events.

Contractual Necessity

Contracting (and negotiating to contract) trade stand holders at Kennel Club events.

Contractual Necessity

To request feedback and provide information about future events.

Legitimate Interests

We do not publish or share your data with any third parties, except associated suppliers for publishing and print services for event collateral and similar purposes. Your data will also be held by NEC Group (Ticket Factory) if tickets are purchased via the online link.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 7 – The Kennel Club Approved Judges

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to The Kennel Club's Approved Judges.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number (if applicable)
  • DOB

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Most of the above personal data is received direct from you as the data subject. However, judges’ information may be obtained from third parties (i.e. breed club judging lists).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to The Kennel Club Approved Judges.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to judging.

Contractual Necessity

Implementation of The Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.

Contractual Necessity

Maintaining the listing of The Kennel Club Approved judges.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by email to inform you of amendments to the rules and regulations relating to The Kennel Club Approved Judges. We will also make these changes available through our website, so please check the website regularly.

Contractual Necessity

Publishing breed judges’, field trial judges’ and activity judges’ information (name and contact details) on the Find a Judge service (The Kennel Club website).

Legitimate Interests

Publication of judging approvals, appointments and JDP breed credit results in The Kennel Club Journal.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of field trial judging approvals in the Field Trials Newsletter.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of accredited measurers’ information (name and contact details) on The Kennel Club website.

Legitimate Interests

Providing the Judges Critique service online, including publication of critiques on the website (only including the judge’s name).

Legitimate Interests

Evaluations and assessments of judging appointments (The Kennel Club Regulations).

Legitimate Interests

Recording training and seminar attendance and results.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information.

Legitimate Interests

To provide tools to assist with judging.

Legitimate interests

To carry out research relating to judging, canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to inform you of relevant health seminars and educational events, both general and breed specific

Legitimate Interests

There is a natural expectation that judges’ information will be published on The Kennel Club website and in relevant publications as above, in order to record judges available for selection for appointments for those interested in accessing available judges. If you do not wish for your contact details to be published, then please contact us.

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data will be retained for the duration of your listing as a Kennel Club judge. Further information is held as below:

  • Championship Judge Questionnaires retained for 2 years if approved and 5 years if not
  • Championship Judge Nomination Form retained for 12 months from date of completion

Please note that trainers and assessors will hold personal data of those attending seminars and courses for the purposes of forwarding this information to The Kennel Club.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer Approved Judges and the provision of services for events and the appointment of Approved Judges.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable provide and facilitate the appointments for judging at The Kennel Club events.

Recipients of your personal data

  • Registered Societies: Your personal information may be shared with clubs and societies.
  • Fosse Data: for judges at Crufts, your name and email address will be shared with Fosse Data in order to send judges their results for judges to to complete their breed critiques after the show

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 8 – Visitors to Crufts & Discover Dogs

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to visitors to Crufts and Discover Dogs.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Telephone number
  • Transaction date

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received from a third party (NEC Group – Ticket Factory).

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data listed for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Contacting you by email to provide dog related information and initiatives and marketing information about The Kennel Club products and services, including future events.


To carry out visitor research relating to The Kennel Club events.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email with sponsor related information (Crufts).

Legitimate Interests

Administration and transactional communications for visitors to the events (including information about the event and showguide).

Legitimate Interests

How long do we hold your personal data for?

We hold your data for up to a maximum of three years.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

There is no statutory or contractual obligation to provide us with your data.

Recipients of your personal data

We disclose data to our outsourced data processors, in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purpose of visitor feedback research.

  • Pickersgill Consultancy & Planning: ( Crufts visitor data will be provided to a contracted market research organisation (PCP) who manage our visitor feedback survey.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 9 – The Kennel Club Registered Society, Affiliate Organisation, Breed Council and Listed Status Club Representatives

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Registered Societies, Affiliate Organisations, Breed Councils and Listed Status Clubs, including relevant Officers (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Members, Club Organiser). This also includes processing for the licensing of Companion Dog Shows.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Annual Returns

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from the Officers.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to Registered Societies and Listed Clubs.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain The Kennel Club’s register of societies.

Contractual Necessity

Implementation of The Kennel Club's Rules and Regulations.

Contractual Necessity

The management of licensing Kennel Club licensed events.

Contractual Necessity

Publishing officers’ information in The Kennel Club Yearbook and on the Find a Club and Find a Show services (The Kennel Club website).

Legitimate Interests

Publication of contact information for upcoming events and field trials in The Kennel Club Journal.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of Field Trial Society contact officers’ information (name and contact details) on The Kennel Club website.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to inform you of relevant health seminars and educational events, both general and breed specific.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you regarding canine breed initiatives and to develop resources in your breed.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data will be retained for the duration of your tenure as an Officer of the Society or Organisation.

The Kennel Club will hold information (including personal data) in respect of all Kennel Club Registered Societies and Organisations, as part of governance and implementation of Kennel Club Regulations, e.g. Return of Title. Information will be held on The Kennel Club's secure servers. A schedule of relevant The Kennel Club Regulations relating to required information is available upon request for further reference.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary under The Kennel Club Regulations for The Kennel Club to administer services to Societies and Organisations with the respective Officers.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform any contract we have with you for the provision of Kennel Club services.

Recipients of your personal data

There are no other recipients of your personal data.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Companion Dog Shows

Companion Dog Show licensing is governed by Kennel Club Regulation F(3). We obtain personal data directly from you, as the data subject, and process the following personal data for Companion Dog Show Organisers: your name, address, email address, telephone number, and show details. We will process this information for the purposes of:

Personal data type


Administration and licensing of Companion Dog Shows, including transactional communications

Contractual Necessity

Publication of show details on The Kennel Club website or The Kennel Club literature

Legitimate Interests

Personal data will be retained for the duration of your tenure as a Companion Dog Show Organiser. You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to licence your Companion Dog Show. There are no other recipients of your personal data and no automated decision making is taken using your personal data. 

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 10 - Rescue Organisation Representatives

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Rescue Organisation Representatives as published in The Kennel Club Breed Rescue Directory.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Find a Rescue Listing

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject or from the co-ordinator of the rescue organisation.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


To maintain a listing resource of Kennel Club Breed Rescue Organisations (The Kennel Club Breed Rescue Directory).


Publishing rescue representative information in The Kennel Club Breed Rescue Directory available online (the Find a Rescue Service) or as a printable pdf.


Administration and transactional communications relating to The Kennel Club Breed Rescue Directory.

Legitimate Interests

Provision of services relating to The Kennel Club Breed Rescue Directory.

Legitimate Interests

Provision of The Kennel Club Breed Rescue Newsletter.

Legitimate Interests

Invitations to The Kennel Club Breed Rescue Conference and other events in your role as a Rescue Representative.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Data will be retained until we are informed that you are no longer a contact of The Kennel Club Breed Rescue.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to include rescue representatives in the KCBR Directory and provide any other services from The Kennel Club.

Recipients of your personal data

There are no other recipients of your personal data.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 11 – The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors Members

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme members.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Date of Birth
  • Telephone number
  • Business Name & Address
  • Dog training information (e.g. instructing activities)
  • Dog Training Instructing/Accreditation discipline
  • Address for training classes conducted for The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors accreditation assessment purposes

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to members of The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme.

Contractual Necessity

Implementation of The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme rules.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by email to inform you of amendments to the terms and conditions or scheme rules for The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme. We will also make these changes available through our website, so please check the website regularly.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain the listing of Accredited Instructors and The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme members.

  • Publishing Accredited Instructor information (name, region, email, telephone number, website and accreditation discipline) on the List of Accredited Instructors (The Kennel Club website), subject to the right to object
  • Publication of new Accredited Instructors (name, region and discipline) in the Kennel Club Journal and The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme Newsletter, subject to the right to object

Legitimate Interests


Dealing with queries and complaints and referrals to The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors Board.

Legitimate Interests

Provision of The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors Newsletter.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

To contact you to remind you to renew your membership to The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme, canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email regarding benefits and discounts relating to your membership of the scheme.

Legitimate Interests

We may process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data is retained for the duration of The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme membership (previous membership will be noted on our records) in order to effectively administer the scheme.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of your personal data is a necessary requirement for The Kennel Club to administer The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme and provide relevant services.

You are not obliged to provide your personal data. However, if you do not provide your personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide any Kennel Club services relating to your scheme membership.

Recipients of your personal data

Scheme Administration:

The recipients below are integral to administering The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme and are bound by confidentiality clauses as to non-disclosure of membership details.

  • Contracted External Providers: (The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme Representatives: Accreditation Adviser and The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme Assessors) to provide advice and assessment services
  • City & Guilds: (name, DOB, postcode, accreditation discipline, date of assessment) for regulatory purposes
  • The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme Board: to verify members becoming Accredited Instructors

Outsourced Data Processor

We disclose data to our outsourced data processor, Impress Print Services Ltd (, in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our Accredited Instructors scheme newsletter mailing.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 12 - Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Club Contacts

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Registered Dog Training Clubs contacts (Club Secretary, Instructors) and Listed Status Club contacts (Club Contact, Instructors).

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone
  • Address of premises (Secretary & Contact)
  • Verification of training qualifications (Good Citizen Dog Scheme Instructor at Listed Status clubs and contact information for Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Co-ordinator at The Kennel Club Clubs)

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Most of the above personal data is received direct from you as the data subject. Club instructors’ (listed status clubs) information may be provided by a third party (the club contact) having been collected by them from the individual.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Listed Status Clubs and The Kennel Club Registered Clubs.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain the listing of Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Listed Status clubs and instructors, and Good Citizen Dog Training scheme co-ordinators for The Kennel Club Registered Clubs.

Contractual Necessity

Implementation of the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme rules.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by email to inform you of amendments to the terms and conditions or membership scheme rules for the Good Citizen Dog Scheme. We will also make these changes available through our website, so please check the website regularly.

Contractual Necessity

Publishing club contact information on the Find a Club service (The Kennel Club website).

Legitimate Interests

Dealing with queries and complaints.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme, canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We also process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

The personal data is held for the duration of you being a Club Contact or Head Instructor for the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme – until we have been notified otherwise.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme.

Recipients of your personal data

We disclose data to our outsourced data processor, First Move Marketing Services Ltd ( in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our GCDS Stationery orders.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 12A – Good Citizen Dog Training scheme examiners

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Good Citizen Dog Training scheme examiners.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone
  • Dog training qualification

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to Good Citizen Dog Training scheme examiners.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain the listing of Good Citizen Dog Training scheme examiners.

Legitimate Interests

Implementation of the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme rules.

Legitimate Interests

Dealing with queries and complaints.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by email to inform you of amendments to the terms and conditions or membership scheme rules for the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme. We will also make these changes available through our website, so please check the website regularly.

Legitimate Interests

We also process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme.

Recipients of your personal data

Please be aware that your personal data will also be held by the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme clubs that you provide examination services for.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.


Schedule 12B – Owners and Participants (Test Register)

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone
  • Dog Name

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received from a third party – Listed Status Clubs and The Kennel Club Registered Clubs hosting your Good Citizen Dog Training scheme tests provide your information to The Kennel Club for the purposes of the Test Register.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme including for scheme verification and scheme achievement souvenirs.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme.

Contractual Necessity

To maintain the listing of Good Citizen Dog Training scheme awards.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme, canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We also process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data is held for record keeping purposes for the issue of Good Citizen Dog Training scheme certification, for as long as the respective club is a member of the scheme. The data kept on each participant/dog result may be kept for the duration of the dog’s life (approximately 15 years).

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme for dog owners.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme including verification of your results.

Recipients of your personal data

The Kennel Club receives your results data from the approved Listed Status Club or The Kennel Club Registered Club once your result has been approved by the Examiner.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 13 – Education & Training Providers

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Accredited Trainers, Seminar Organisers, JDP Organisers, Assessors, Breed Education Co-ordinators, Mentors, Observers, Breed Film Co-ordinators, Breed Speakers, Handlers, Copyright Holders.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to canine educational and training services.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to canine education and training.

Contractual Necessity

To facilitate educational services and provide educational resources.

Legitimate Interests

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of contact information for upcoming education and training events on the KC website and in The Kennel Club Journal.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to canine education and training, canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

To provide information about future events.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Your personal data is held for the duration of you being a training provider or in order to issue a relevant qualification/certification.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its canine education and training services with those listed above.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to education and training.

Recipients of your personal data?

There are no other recipients of your personal data.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 14 – Kennel Club Academy Users

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to The Kennel Club Academy Users.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject upon account creation or purchase of Academy resources.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and transactional communications relating to The Kennel Club Academy.

Contractual Necessity

Provision of services relating to The Kennel Club Academy.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you to provide updates on The Kennel Club Academy resources.

Legitimate Interests

To provide informational and educational resources for breeders to promote responsible breeding and to provide educational resources for judges.

Legitimate interests

To provide online KCAI assessments for The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme members.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

We also process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data is held for the duration of your membership of the Academy.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer The Kennel Club Academy for its subscribers

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide Kennel Club services relating to The Kennel Club Academy.

Recipients of your personal data

There are no other recipients of your personal data.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 15 - The Kennel Club Shop

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to The Kennel Club Shop Users.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject upon entry of customer information in The Kennel Club Shop.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type 


Administration and transactional communications relating to The Kennel Club Shop.

Contractual Necessity

Supplying you with the requested products through The Kennel Club Shop.

Contractual Necessity

Contacting you by post regarding related products and services, marketing communications, canine initiatives, and canine health and canine welfare research and information to help you enjoy and keep your dog safe, healthy and happy.

Legitimate Interests

To carry out research relating to canine health and canine welfare.

Legitimate Interests

To request feedback and provide information about future events

Legitimate Interests

We also process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data is held for the duration that you hold an account.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer The Kennel Club Shop.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's products and services.

Recipients of your personal data

We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors, in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of managing our communications:

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 16 – Subscribers to Publications and Newsletters

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to subscribers to publications and e-newsletters (including KC E-news, Breeder E-news, Kennel Scope (Dog Health), The Scribe (Agility), Take the Lead (Obedience), Crufts Best in News, Dog Photographer of the Year, YKC E-news).

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Email

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject upon subscribing.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and communications relating to subscriptions.

Legitimate Interests

Supplying you with the requested publications via email.

Legitimate Interests

Retaining your email address if you unsubscribe in order to ensure you are not contacted regarding the relevant subscription(s).

Legitimate Interests

We also process your personal information for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data is held for the duration of your subscription, then suppressed indefinitely unless deleted upon your request.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable provide The Kennel Club services requested.

Recipients of your personal data

There are no other recipients of your personal data.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 17 - The Kennel Club Library & Collection Services Users

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to authors, editors, breed club representatives and members, other educational users, researchers/enquirers, copyright holders, donors/sellers and lenders.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and communications relating to your use of The Kennel Club Library and Collection Services.

Legitimate Interests

The provision of The Kennel Club's Library and Collection services.

Legitimate Interests

For approved use of Kennel Club copyrighted material your personal information will be required for any copyright agreements we have with you.

Contractual Necessity

Managing requests for permission to copy and reuse copyrighted material and to ensure compliance with copyright holders.

Contractual Necessity

Facilitating loans, legacies or sales to The Kennel Club Library and Collection Services

Contractual Necessity

Permission to use and distribute photos taken by The Kennel Club photographers within which an individual appears

Contractual Necessity

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

For those using our services, personal data will be retained for the current year; a further four years for authors, breed club representatives and members, other educational users; and a further two years for researchers/enquirers.

Personal data on content creators and/or copyright holders is held for the duration the copyright (the creator’s lifetime plus 70 years).

We retain information for donors/sellers in line with our retention policy as we may be required to prove provenance and legal ownership of an item. Lender’s information is retained for the duration of the loan and as necessary in case of insurance claims.

We retain personal data relating to permissions for use and distribution of photos taken by The Kennel Club's photographers for the lifetime of the subject.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its Library service.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to perform or provide The Kennel Club's services relating to the Library.

Recipients of your personal data

There are no other recipients of your personal data.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Any financial data arising from a transactional process will be held securely by The Kennel Club's Finance Department in accordance and compliance with all statutory, HMRC and Financial Authority requirements.

Schedule 18 - The Kennel Club Liaison Council Representatives

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Liaison Council Members.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Personal data type


Administration and communications relating to your role as a Liaison Council Representative.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of your information in The Kennel Club Yearbook, relevant Kennel Club Regulation Booklets, and on The Kennel Club website


We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data will be retained for the duration of you being a Liaison Council Representative.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer its Liaison Councils.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to facilitate your role as a Liaison Council Representative.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

Schedule 19 – Dog Photographer of the Year Entrants

This Schedule sets out The Kennel Club’s processing of personal data relating to Dog Photographer of the Year Entrants.

What personal data do we process?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

Where do we obtain your personal data from?

Personal data is received direct from you as the data subject or your parent/guardian.

Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis?

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

Administration and transactional communications relating to your competition entry.

Contractual Necessity

Providing you with the Dog Photographer of the Year e-Newsletter via email.

Legitimate Interests

Publication of competition results on the Dog Photographer of the Year website and e-Newsletter, including name and category.

Legitimate Interests

We also process personal data for The Kennel Club’s legitimate interests as we have outlined in the main Privacy Notice (paragraph 4.3). Please be assured that we will always take account of your personal data rights in doing so.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Personal data will be retained for the duration of your competition entry.

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

The provision of this personal data is a requirement necessary for The Kennel Club to administer the Dog Photographer of the Year competition.

You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question. However, if you do not provide the personal data, we will be unable to facilitate your competition entry.

Do we use your data for any automated decision-making?

No automated decision making is taken using your personal data.

If you are unsure what any part of this Privacy Policy relating to your Dog Photographer of the Year completion entry means, then please email the Data Protection Team who will be happy to explain or answer any of your queries.