Event Terms & Conditions

“Event” means the event for which you are purchasing tickets.

“We” or “us” means The Royal Kennel Club Limited.

  1. All tickets are sold subject to these Terms and Conditions. Purchase and/or use of a ticket/s to enter the Event constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions on your behalf and on behalf of any person for whom you are purchasing tickets.
  2. We reserve the right to vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time without notice and at our sole discretion. Updates will be published on the Event website.
  3. Any directives or statements printed on the tickets, or posted or announced at the Event, also form part of these Terms and Conditions. All those competing or participating in a Kennel Club Licensed Event will be subject to and bound by Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.
  4. It is important to be aware of all aspects of attending the Event including public safety, conduct, weather and Camping Guidance. It is your responsibility to look after your visitors, family and children in terms of supervision at all times, being alert and vigilant and carrying adequate insurance cover for your possessions including vehicles, camping and caravan equipment and personal effects.
Public Safety

5. We reserve the right to implement any restrictions/conditions deemed necessary before and during the Event to ensure the safe management of The Kennel Club. You must at all times comply with any and all instructions given to you by Event staff and stewards.

6. You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions and requests given by The Kennel Club and its representatives for the safe running of any public event.

7. Prohibited items or any items that we or third parties acting on our behalf (such as security) deem to be either; a risk to the safety, security or enjoyment of others; unsuitable to be taken to the Event; or, may be used in an illegal or offensive manner (regardless of whether or not the item itself is illegal) are not permitted to be taken into the venue or the campsite areas. In certain circumstances, entirely at our discretion, we may allow you to dispose of such items in order that you may be admitted to the Event. In such circumstances, the items will be disposed of in any matter we think appropriate and you will not be entitled to recover such item at a later time.

8. Ticket holders may be ejected if found in possession of prohibited items inside the Venue. Prohibited items include but are not limited to:

  • Drugs / Controlled / Psychoactive Substances – illegal drugs, Nitrous Oxide, ‘Legal Highs’ or any associated paraphernalia;
  • Weapons (or anything that could be considered a weapon in our opinion or that of our third-party suppliers);
  • Roller-skates, skateboards, scooters, personal motorised or non-motorised vehicles, except for wheelchairs and mobility scooters;
  • Items considered to be dangerous or inappropriate in the Event environment, including, but not limited to; spray cans, gas canisters or compressed gas in any container, fireworks, flares, candles, smoke canisters, Chinese lanterns, camp-fires, explosives highly flammable substances, firearms, knives or blades, replica weapons of any sort, large golf umbrellas, stools / sports equipment, flags and banners, megaphones, amplification equipment, speakers over the size of 22.5 x 12 x 10 cm klaxons, airhorns, laser devices, hi-visibility tabards or similar;
  • Drones or air borne filming equipment of any kind (without the express permission of The Kennel Club); and
  • Any other Items listed on our website.
9. Heavy vehicles on site are only by permission of The Kennel Club and their location must be discussed before entry to the Event. Some heavy vehicles may not be permitted on some parts of the site and in the event of poor weather, tracking or appropriate ground protection equipment must be used to minimise the damage to the site.

10. We reserve the right to remove equipment at any time prior to or during the Event if any member of staff considers that equipment to be unsafe.

11.The Event is an outdoor event. Please bring suitable clothing and footwear. No refunds will be given due to inclement weather. If the Event takes place outdoors which may be uneven in places and conditions underfoot may be affected by weather and heavy footfall. You should take reasonable precautions to avoid suffering injury, including, without limitation, wearing sensible footwear and taking care in areas where ground is uneven or has been affected by adverse weather.

12. If the weather is adverse or there is a risk to the grounds by pending adverse weather The Kennel Club reserves the right to cancel events unless alternative provisions are available.

  1. Tickets cannot be refunded after purchase unless the entire Event is cancelled, in which case you will be offered Tickets at any rescheduled Event (subject to availability) or, if you are unable to attend the rescheduled Event or the Event is not rescheduled, a full refund. In the event that you accept a Ticket to a rescheduled Event you will not, at a later date, be entitled to claim a refund in respect of the cancelled Event.
  2. Where the cancellation takes place part-way through the Event, you may be entitled to a refund of part of the face price which you paid for the ticket which shall be determined at our reasonable discretion. You will not be entitled to a refund in any other circumstances.
  3. Personal arrangements including travel, subsistence and accommodation in relation to the Event which have been arranged by you are made at your own risk we will not have any liability for any such loss of enjoyment or wasted expenditure in the case of a cancellation, postponement or otherwise.
  4. It is your responsibility to check that the Event has not been cancelled or rescheduled. Information on such matters will be made available by The Kennel Club as soon as reasonably practicable on the Event website and/or at the Event venue. You are advised that the website cannot always be updated immediately and that circumstances giving rise to cancellation or postponement can sometimes arise immediately prior to an Event. We advise you to check before you travel.
Attendee conduct
  1. You agree that you will not behave in a way which will or may constitute a breach of the law or cause a nuisance or be an infringement of any premise licenses at the Venue. In particular (but not without limitation) illegal betting or gaming is prohibited.
  2. The Kennel Club takes incidences of violent or abusive behaviour seriously and wewill involve the police when considered appropriate. We reserve the right to terminate an Event, refuse admission to an Event and/or to remove and/or ban a person from the Event in the event of unacceptable behaviour. In particular but without limitation you may be refused admission to or removed from the Event for any of the following reasons: for health and safety or licensing reasons; if you behave in a manner which has or is likely to affect the enjoyment of other persons at the Event; if you use threatening, abusive or insulting words or mannerisms; if, in our reasonable opinion, you are acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs; if you fail, when required, to produce proof of identity or age; if you refuse to comply with security searches; if you breach these Terms and Conditions; and/or if your ticket is void.
  3. All accidents involving injury or near misses should be reported to a member of staff as soon as possible. Any failure of equipment, must also be reported as soon as possible.
  4. All means of exit must be kept free from obstruction and immediately available for instant free exit at all times during the Event.
  5. You shall not bring into the Event or display or distribute (whether for free or not) at the Event any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials, unless with the prior agreement of The Kennel Club (for example, for trade stands).
  1. Camping on site is by permission only. Any Event which requires camping must adhere to the Camping Guidance set out below.
  2. Campers should pitch tents in designated camping areas only and stay out of fire lanes and other working areas.
  3. You should bring a tent that is sized for the number of occupants. We reserve the right to refuse to allow any structures which are too large or which we believe may cause a health and safety risk.
  4. All items are brought and left at your own risk.
  5. We will frequently update The Kennel Club website with useful information for campers and encourage you to read these carefully before travelling.
Filming, Photography & CCTV
  1. Unauthorised photography, video, audio recording and transmission of the Event, the competitors and the competition for professional purposes or financial gain is strictly forbidden. You much comply with and complete appropriate specific photography and filming consents as provided upon request.
  2. Professional audio and imaging equipment are not permitted to be brought to the Event.
  3. Ticket Holders consent to being photographed, filmed and sound recorded as an audience without payment, and to their image being exploited in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world by The Kennel Club who shall own the copyright in all such recordings. All personal data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  4. Individual photography and filming will be subject to consents and participants will be issued with the relevant consent forms.
  5. CCTV may be in operation across the Venue and Campsite. Images are recorded for the prevention of crime and disorder. If requested, images will be passed directly to the Police.
Age Policy
  1. There will be a strict age restriction policy across all bars at the Event and valid ID is required to buy and drink alcohol.
  2. Anyone under the age of 18 caught drinking or in the possession of alcohol will have the alcohol confiscated and may be ejected from the Event without any refund.
  3. Anyone over the age of 18 caught buying alcohol for someone under the age of 18 will be ejected (together with, at our discretion, anyone in the same party) from the Event without any refund.


Child Protection & Safeguarding
  1. The Kennel Club acknowledges it has a duty to safeguard children and young people and a responsibility to report any concerns to relevant authorities. You are referred to The Kennel Club Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy.
  2. We do not accept any parental or guardian duty for any person attending the Event and parents must have full supervision of persons aged 17 or below.
Access Requirements
  1. Please see our Accessibility Policy.
  2. If you have access requirements please contact us (via The Kennel Club website event page for that particular Event) as far in advance of the Event as possible. If you have not notified us of your access requirements in advance we cannot guarantee that we will be able to cater to your needs though we will use reasonable endeavours to do so.
  1. We shall ensure that no animals are brought into the Event unless approved by The Kennel Club. Any attendee who is not a competitor and wishes to brings an animal to the Event must seek written permission from The Kennel Club if not officially entered to compete at the Event.
  2. You are responsible for your dogs and ensuring they are kept safe and under control at all times. Please see the Camping Guidance below for further information
  3. No dog which has contracted or been knowingly exposed to any infectious or contagious disease during the 21 days prior to the event, or which is suffering from a visible condition which adversely affects its health or welfare is to be brought to the Event.
  1. We will not be liable to you for any loss, injury or damage to any person (including you) or property however caused (including by The Kennel Club or agents) in any circumstances unless due to the negligence or wilful or malicious act of The Kennel Club or its agents.
  2. Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit our liability for:
  • death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
  • fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on our part; or
  • any breach of the terms implied by Section 10, 11 and 13 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
  1. We shall not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential costs, claims, actual or alleged losses howsoever arising out of or in connection with the Event and/or our obligations under these Terms and Conditions including, but not limited to, damage or loss or personal items, loss of profits, anticipated profits, savings, business or opportunity, or loss of publicity or loss of reputation, or opportunity to enhance reputation, or loss of contract or other economic or consequential loss arising from the performance (or any failure to perform) these Terms and Conditions.
  2. The Kennel Club will not have any liability to you whatsoever for loss or expenses incurred in connection with the Event or any cancellation of the Event, including, without limitation, costs of any personal travel, accommodation (including camping facilities) or hospitality arrangements made relating to the Event or the cancellation of the Event.
  3. The site may be used for sporting and agriculture use and should be treated as such. The Kennel Club will not be responsible for any damage to persons or property when using these areas (except as outlined in 68 above). Areas of concern will be fenced off from public use as may be necessary and signage may be put in place for no access areas.
  4. Access to areas within the Event are subject to capacity and we accepts no liability and will not offer any refunds if you are unable to attend a specific competition due to it being at maximum capacity. You may be required to queue so please arrive early to avoid disappointment.
  5. Any published start and finish times of a performance at an Event are estimates only and are subject to change. We shall not be liable for any change of a published start or finish time. It is your responsibility to make appropriate arrangements to ensure that you arrive at the Event in sufficient time (taking into account time required for queuing and searching to enter the Event) in case the Event or the competition you wish to see starts earlier than the published time or otherwise to ensure you are able to stay until the close of the Event or performance should you wish to if it overruns. We will not be responsible to make any refund or meet the costs of any alternative travel arrangements or for any loss of enjoyment or other indirect loss as a result of an Event not running to the precise advertised times or for your late arrival at the Event.

Events beyond our control
  1. We will not be responsible for any failure to perform our obligations under these Terms and Conditions that is caused by an event outside our control.
  2. An event outside our control means any act or event that is beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation severe weather event, drought, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, pandemic, epidemic or other natural disaster, strikes or industrial action by third parties, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war or threat of war, civil commotion, riot, invasion, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks.
  1. You are responsible for arranging the requisite and relevant insurance you require for your dogs and for the event to safeguard your entire camping trip to protect your vehicle, motorhome, caravan, tent, any camping equipment, contents and personal effects that may become lost or damaged for example as a result of an accident, theft, fire or storm.
  1. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be severed or amended in such a manner as to render the rest of the provision(s) and remainder of these Terms and Conditions valid or enforceable.
  2. These Terms and Conditions (including updates provided via our website) together with the ticket purchase terms and conditions and constitute the entire agreement between the parties in connection with the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions and supersede any previous terms and conditions, agreement or arrangement between you and the Promoter relating to the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

Camping Guidance

  • Please ensure you have packed the essentials you need to camp – there are various useful checklists that can be found online.
  • The weather in the UK can change suddenly – please check the weather before you depart.
  • Ensure your vehicle, motorhome, caravan, tent and any other camping equipment, clothing etc. is suitable for the weather conditions including: heat, storms, wind and wet weather.
  • Ensure you have appropriate insurance to cover your trip.
  • Please do not arrive before the published arrival time.
  • If you are unexpectedly delayed on the day of arrival and expect to arrive after the last attended arrival time, please call the site team.
  • So that we know you have arrived safely, all arrivals should make contact with a site team member so that we can welcome you and direct you to your pitch.
  • In the event of poor ground conditions please ensure your pitch is in a suitable place – please contact one of the site team for assistance as required.
  • Please familiarise yourself with any of the site’s fire regulations and fire-fighting equipment and its location as soon as you arrive on site.
  • Ensure you choose a suitable place to pitch your tent within your allocated space, taking into account:
  • flat/suitable ground
  • water flow and drainage
  • shelter
  • prevailing wind direction
  • weather conditions (e.g. adequate shade if it is very hot)
    soft wet or hard ground conditions
  • size and space to arrange things properly.
  • not exceeding your allocated space

Further guidance can be found online.

  • In adverse weather conditions, please take extra care that you have pitched in a suitable place and ensure that your tent, vehicle and other facilities are fully secured for yours and others safety.
  • Vehicles on site should be parked at right angles to a slope where possible.
  • Ensure any mains electrical cable from the hook up point to your unit and the unit’s installation are safe. All units should be protected by a residual current device (RCD). For tent campers, this should be incorporated into a purpose made mains supply unit designed for tent camping conditions.
Your Stay
  • Any facilities on site are provided for your convenience. Please use responsibly.
  • We want to keep our younger attendees safe – if you are staying with children, please make sure they are supervised at all times. No children under the age of 18 years old should be left unaccompanied on site.
  • All legal requirements regarding use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes should be adhered to during your stay.
Movement around Site
  • For site safety a 5mph speed limit must be adhered to at all times.
  • All cycles should use appropriate lighting if used at a time when it should be required.
  • We ask that there be no noise or movement of vehicles between the hours stated for that particular event.
  • Noise must be kept to a reasonable level at all times so as not to disturb the enjoyment of others.
  • Generators may be used only at the discretion of the Site team who will advise of the most appropriate running times. We may ask you to refrain from using them if they cause a disturbance. Please check in advance of camping if you have a special requirement for extended generator use.
  • Please ensure waste is disposed of responsibly.
  • Please make sure you clear up after your dog at the Event.
  • Emptying and cleaning of chemical toilets must only be done at a chemical disposal point, using water from that source.
  • Barbecues are permitted ensuring they are raised off the ground sufficiently to prevent damage.
  • Due to the risk of fire/carbon monoxide poisoning, never take a barbecue or fuel-burning appliance inside your tent/unit for any reason.
  • Please follow any instructions given by a member of the Event team – they are there to ensure the safety of everyone.
  • Campfires are not permitted on site.
  • Please do not use any of the following while on site, as they may pose a danger to other campers and their units: model aircraft; drones; kites; sky lanterns; catapults; air guns; firearms; bows and arrows.
  • It is strongly recommended that all caravans and motor homes are equipped with suitable fire-fighting equipment.
  • Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not put a dog’s health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. Breach of Kennel Club Regulations in this respect may be referred for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.
  • Dogs must be on a lead unless training/competing requires them to be off lead.
  • No person shall carry out harsh handling of their dog at any time during the event.
  • Competitors are referred to Kennel Club Rules and Regulations and are aware of and will abide by Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.
Dogs in vehicles
  • Your dog is vulnerable and at risk during hot weather and the Kennel Club offers the following guidance to help guide you through the do’s and don’ts of travelling to and whilst at Kennel Club licensed events.
  • When travelling to a show please take a moment to consider whether the route to the show is on a busy holiday route, and leave earlier to avoid increased time in traffic jams.
  • Ensure your dog is not sitting in full sunlight. There should be plenty of free flowing air around the dog.
  • Keep the dog in the shade – take your own shade for example a large umbrella and always have plenty of water available to drink so your dog stays well hydrated.
  • Remember, if you feel hot your dog is very likely to feel much hotter and dehydrated, and this could lead to dire results. Please look after your dog’s welfare.
  • Your dog is vulnerable and AT RISK if left in a vehicle in high temperatures and even on days considered as slightly warm. Please take care of your dog. If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.