Holyrood Dog of the Year

3 dogs stood on podium

We are delighted that the Holyrood Dog of the Year competition returned in April 2024, taking place at the Scottish Parliament Gardens.

Holyrood Dog of the Year, organised by us and Dogs Trust, is open to all MSPs, regardless of breed or ‘pawlitical’ persuasion, and aims to showcase dogs as an important member of the family. The competition has enabled us and Dogs Trust to engage with Scottish parliamentarians who are passionate about dogs and to identify those who are willing to raise canine issues and policies in the Scottish Parliament.

The media are invited to watch the politicians ‘show’ their dogs and raise awareness of key issues which affect canine welfare. Past issues raised include the effects of fireworks on dogs and the importance of dogs training and socialisation.

Celebrating a unique bond

The competition celebrates the unique bond between dogs and their owners, and aims to promote responsible dog ownership. All parliamentarians’ dogs are able to enter.

Message from Owen Sharp, Chief Executive of Dogs Trust

Owen Sharp, Chief Executive of Dogs Trust, explains: “Our thanks to all MSPs and parliamentary pooches taking part in Holyrood Dog of the Year, an event open to members and dogs of any pawlitical persuasion. It’s a chance to celebrate the unique bond shared between people and their dogs. All dog owners enjoy the benefits of canine companionship and it’s important we provide our dogs with everything they need to be healthy and happy. Making the right choices starts before you welcome a dog into your home, including choosing the right breed, whether you adopt your dog from a rehoming organisation, or purchase from a responsible and reputable breeder. We all want to make sure our dogs have the best life possible, where they are happy and loved at all life stages.”

Message from Mark Beazley, Chief Executive of The Kennel Club

Mark Beazley, Chief Executive of The Kennel Club continued: “The Holyrood Dog of the Year competition is a fun event which celebrates the strong bond between people and their dogs. It's also an excellent opportunity to showcase the happiness that dogs can bring to our lives and to raise awareness of the actions that need to be taken to promote responsible dog ownership. The event not only brings joy to participants but also serves as a reminder of the essential role dogs play in enriching our day-to-day lives.”

More about why we run this event

The Holyrood Dog of the Year competition has enabled us and Dogs Trust to engage with Scottish parliamentarians who are passionate about dogs and to identify those who are willing to raise canine issues and policies in the Scottish Parliament.

The media are invited to watch the politicians ‘show’ their dogs and raise awareness of key issues which affect canine welfare. Past issues raised include the effects of fireworks on dogs and the importance of dogs training and socialisation.

In a bid to win the ‘pawblic’ vote, MSPs call for their supporters to vote for their four-legged friends. In conjunction with the public vote, judges also assess the pooches based on their heroic deeds and winning personalities to crown the overall winner.

Find out more about each finalist

Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP

Sue Webber MSP

Find out more about Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP and Bramble

MSP Name: Alex Cole-Hamilton

Region/Constituency: Edinburgh Western

Dog’s Name: Bramble

Breed: Cockapoo

Sex: Female

Age: 18mths

Colour: Red

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

She is so affectionate! She loves cuddles and is very good with constituents in distress.

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

I always take her for her morning walk, which is a great start to every day, but the best bit is her greeting when I get home, she checks my head for injuries every time (with her tongue!!). Sitting with her on the couch and tickling her behind the ears, is like being given permission to relax.

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.  

I wake up with her head on my shoulder, and she basically chums me around most of the day. I know I shouldn’t but I think of her a bit like a furry daughter.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

It will improve your live in so many ways. Think about how much space you have outdoors and how much time you’ll have to leave them alone.

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

Bramble was a salvation to an immediate family member who had really struggled with their mental health. She is basically a therapet to constituents in crisis when she comes to my surgery and she is such a good girl on every level.

Click here to vote for Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP and Bramble

Find out more about Sue Webber MSP and Alfie

MSP Name: Sue Webber

Region/Constituency: Lothian

Dog’s Name: Alfie

Breed: Hungarian Vizsla 

Sex: Male

Age: 2

Colour: Russet Red

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

He is the most adorable, loveable dog, just as keen for cuddles on the couch as he is for bounding over heather in the hills.  He socialises well with other dogs and humans and is very good with children.  With age he is calming down, just a wee bit but still has all the exuberance that you would expect from a Vizsla.

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

No matter how tired and fatigued I am after a long day, Alfie greets me at the door carrying his wee “baby”, so excited to have me home.  And when the last thing you feel like doing is getting outside in the fresh air, you just must. It is not long before you are welcoming the fresh air, the sun, the rain, whatever the weather.  And the laughs you have with him on the walk with his various sticks and zooming around the fields and riverbanks along with conversations with other owners, many of whom have become friends.  Gives me a sense of grounding and what real-life priorities are.

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.  

I genuinely cannot believe how much my life has changed in the last two years.  I would never have imagined that such a close bond would be possible between a human and an Alfie.  He knows who the boss at home is (that is Alasdair not me!) and as Alfie gets that wee bit older everything is easier, there is a real connection between us.  I miss him dreadfully when I am away, and I know he does too.  And I long to take him out to see his happy “stick wiggle” as he trots along beside me. He is such a joy.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

Research the breeds Speak to other owners, either face to face or through Facebook groups.  There are several for Vizsla owners across Scotland so I would expect it to be the same for other breeds.  There might even be the chance through other online forums to “borrow” a dog of that breed you are interested in.

You need to learn if you will manage to give them the exercise needed, you have the commitment to change your life after getting a dog and is your home life and actual house suitable for that type of dog.

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

He is Alfie and it is his time!

Click here to vote for Sue Webber MSP and Alfie

Meghan Gallacher MSP

Clare Adamson MSP

Find out more about Meghan Gallacher MSP and her Dogs Trust Companion

MSP Name: Meghan Gallacher

Region/Constituency: Central Scotland

Why have you chosen to enter with a Dogs Trust former rescue dog?

I have chosen to enter with a Dogs Trust former rescue dog because they deserve to be shown off and made a fuss of.  These are dogs who perhaps didn’t have the best start in life and were potentially let down by previous owners and I think showcasing a Dogs Trust dog at Holyrood Dog of the Year will make them feel the love they deserve. 

What are your favourite characteristics in a dog?

My favourite characteristics in a dog would be how loyal they are and how they are instantly able to turn a bad day into a good day.  They constantly ooze so much love and I think that is a great quality. 

Why are dogs the best companion animals?

I believe dogs are the best companion animals because I truly believe they have a small piece of human in them.  I believe dogs can sense when their owner is unwell, unhappy, angry and they will stick by them and provide comfort and for that, I believe they are the greatest companion animals. 

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog?

The advice I would give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog would be to definitely make sure you have the correct amount of time to dedicate to them.  Dogs, especially puppies, in the beginning require and deserve a lot of time so their owners can train and bond with them.  So, I think that would be the best advice, to definitely make sure you have the time to dedicate to them. 

Why should you and your Dogs Trust former rescue dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

I think me and my Dogs Trust former rescue dog should be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024 because this is a great platform to give to Dogs Trust to show all the amazing work that they do and what they have done to re-home these beautiful furry friends. 

Click here to vote for Meghan Gallacher MSP and her Dogs Trust companion

Find out more about Clare Adamson MSP and Sam

MSP Name: Clare Adamson

Region/Constituency: Motherwell and Wishaw 

Dog’s Name: Sam

Breed: Labrador

Sex: Male

Age: 2.5 years old

Colour: Black

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

Sam is a very happy and lovable boy with a very waggy tail whenever there are people or treats involved! He is a loving dog who does not hesitate to climb up on your lap and demand a cuddle at any given point. He loves playing with his brother, Frodo, and making everyone around him smile by acting like a typical Labrador.

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

He helps me get up bright and early and gives our family a reason to get out, exercise and enjoy the beautiful parks across Motherwell and Wishaw. When I get home from a busy day, he and his brother are there to greet me. He is a very important four-legged member of our family, and enjoying walks with him is fantastic for mental health and wellbeing.

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.  

Sam is a very good boy, who never fails to put a smile on my face. The love of a Labrador is unconditional and I am so lucky to have double the love with Sam and Frodo! Having a pet who lifts the mood of everyone around him is incredibly special.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

Do your research! Getting a dog is a great responsibility that you have to ensure you are ready for. Research each breed thoroughly to see what type of dog would suit your lifestyle, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. 

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

Sam should be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024 because he is adorable, funny and caring, and has brought so much happiness to so many people. He can’t wait to show off his good boy skills to his dog friends, and join them in raising awareness of the fantastic work carried out by Dogs Trust.

Click here to vote for Clare Adamson MSP and Sam

Jamie Halcro Johnston MSP

Christine Grahame MSP

Find out more about Jamie Halcro Johnston and his Dogs Trust Companion

MSP Name: Jamie Halcro Johnston

Region/Constituency: Highlands and Islands

Why have you chosen to enter with a Dogs Trust former rescue dog?

I have chosen to enter with a former Dogs Trust rescue dog because their journey embodies the very essence of hope, resilience and unconditional love. These furry companions have endured unimaginable hardship, yet their spirits remain unbroken. Every wag of their tail, every joyful bark is a testament to their remarkable ability to forgive and trust again.

Entering this competition isn't just about winning a title; it's about honouring the incredible transformation my rescue dog has undergone and celebrating the immeasurable joy they have brought to my life. They are not just a pet; they are family, a cherished soul who can teach me and all of us the true meaning of resilience, compassion and unwavering loyalty.

In a world often filled with uncertainty, my rescue dog is a beacon of hope, a reminder that every life deserves a chance to shine. By entering this competition with a Dogs Trust former rescue dog, I hope to inspire others to open their hearts and homes to rescue animals, knowing that they too can experience the profound love and companionship that only a rescue dog can offer.

What are your favourite characteristics in a dog?

In a dog I admire loyalty, affection and intelligence. Loyalty is the foundation of the bond between a dog and its human companion, creating a deep and unbreakable bond. Affection is expressed through gentle nudges, warm cuddles and excited tail wagging, reminding us of the pure joy of unconditional love. Intelligence allows for engaging interactions, problem solving and learning new tricks, making every day with a dog full of surprises and laughter. These qualities not only make wonderful companions, they enrich our lives.

Why are dogs the best companion animals?

Dogs are the best companions because they offer unconditional love, unwavering loyalty and comfort in difficult times. They're adaptable to our needs and promote physical and mental wellbeing through play and companionship. With their diverse personalities, there's a perfect match for everyone. Simply put, dogs enrich our lives with joy, laughter and love, making them man's best friend.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog?

If you're unsure about getting a dog, think about your lifestyle and your commitment to pet ownership. Research breeds that match your preferences and visit local shelters to meet dogs in need of homes. Be prepared for the responsibility of caring for a dog, including nutrition, exercise and veterinary needs. Take your time and make an informed decision that considers both your needs and the needs of the dog. It is important to remember that dogs are a long-term commitment (as well as a joy) and you need to be ready for them to join your life.

Why should you and your Dogs Trust former rescue dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

My Dogs Trust former rescue dog and I should be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024 because of my unwavering commitment to shining a light on the countless other rescue dogs waiting for their chance to shine, to be rescued and to find their forever home. Together we represent the power of adoption and the profound impact a second chance can have on both a dog and its human companion.

Click here to vote for Jamie Halcro Johnston and his Dogs Trust companion

Find out more about Christine Grahame MSP and Bagel

MSP Name: Christine Grahame

Region/Constituency: Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale

Dog’s Name: Bagel

Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Sex: Female

Age: Around 7

Colour: Ruby

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

Bagel is perfect and I love everything about her. She is eternally positive and always in a good mood. She loves everybody and is very trusting.  

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

Bagel is a lovely companion, she’s very cuddly, loving and friendly to the whole family and everyone she meets including cats! 

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.  

She is just the most perfect dog and goes everywhere with me. She follows me around like a shadow and I never go anywhere without!

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

My advice would be to get a breed suited to their needs and level of activity. 

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

In my opinion, there is not a more deserving winner. From her coming into the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home at deaths door and in so much pain, being blind, deaf, and malnourished to now being a happy, healthy little dog with her sight and hearing back, her journey has been amazing. Despite all she has been through she is the most loveable and friendly little dog and for that reason deserves to be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year.

Click here to vote for Christine Grahame MSP and Bagel

Jenni Minto MSP

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP

Find out more about Jenni Minto MSP and Jim

MSP Name: Jenni Minto

Region/Constituency: Argyll & Bute

Dog’s Name: Jim

Breed: Border Collie

Sex: Male

Age: 7

Colour: Black & White

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

He's enormously affectionate - we call him 'Licky Jim'.  He's also smart and watches us closely trying to figure out what we're going to do next.  Reach for a pair of shoes and he's immediately angling to be walked.  He's a friendly boy and great with kids and other dogs.    

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

He needs walked at least four times a day, and that's great for mental and physical health - ours as well as his!   And there's nothing like an affectionate dog cuddling up to you to have his ears rubbed and tummy tickled after you've had a stressful day.  

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.  

He relies on us - but pays us back in spades in affection and fun.  In the evenings he takes up a position at the window to watch for Jenni coming home from Parliament.  He's a herder by instinct, and likes it best when he's rounded his humans up and we're all together.  

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

If you are not sure about getting a dog - don't!  There are far too many dogs that were bought on a whim and now need rehomed.  Be absolutely certain before getting a dog - it's only fair to the dog who will instinctively put his or her trust in you.  Choose a type of dog that suits your lifestyle.  How much space do you have?  How much time do you have to exercise it?  Can you afford to feed a dog with a big appetite?  Consider rehoming a dog.  Jim wasn't rescued, but rehomed after failing to make it as a sheep dog on a farm.  Careful consideration will get the right dog for you.  

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

Jim is handsome, smart, good fun and affectionate.  He's a great advert for the joy that a dog can bring to people. 

Click here to vote for Jenni Minto MSP and Jim

Find out more about Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP and Oscar

MSP Name: Shirley-Anne Somerville

Region/Constituency: Dunfermline

Dog’s Name: Oscar

Breed: Cockapoo

Sex: Male

Age: 3

Colour: Apricot

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

To always look for the best in people and to sniff out every opportunity for happiness.

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

Oscar enhances our life by being a source of company, comfort and cuddles. He makes sure we exercise and get out and about more (even in the rain). He can tell if someone's feeling down or anxious and is beside you in an instant.

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.

He's a treasured member of our family and we can't remember what the house was like before he arrived.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

Do your research and think about it very carefully because it is a big commitment. However, if you put in the work then their love will pay you back in spades.

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

He's everything a dog should be. He's a companion, a friend and a ray of sunshine. He'd love the chance to share those skills with anyone else who needs a smile brought to their day.

Click here to vote for Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP and Oscar

Jackie Dunbar MSP

Paul Sweeney MSP

Find out more about Jackie Dunbar MSP and Fergus

MSP Name: Jackie Dunbar

Region/Constituency: Aberdeen Donside

Dog’s Name: Fergus

Breed: Cocker Spaniel

Sex: Male

Age: 8

Colour: Black

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

He is such a character and has gone through so much before finding his forever home with my sister. Despite not having the best start to life, once he landed on his paws with my sister, he has slowly learned how to love and to trust.

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

Fergus is my “furphew” and he often sends his Auntie J (me) whats app messages and photos of what he is up to. So, as you see, even when I am not with him he keeps me entertained.

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.

I don’t get to see Fergus as often as I would like, but the welcome I get is second to none. I love spending time with him (and his Mam) and they fairly make me relax.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

Do your homework, be realistic. I would love a dog, but don’t have the time to give it the time and dedication that a dog needs. There is no such thing as “just a dog” if you aren’t prepared to treat one like a member of the family, then don’t get one.

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

Fergus is the most faithful dog I have ever came across, a rescue dog that my sister got when he was two, after having 4 owners before her. The dog we have now is not the dog we got 6 years ago, this is down to not only him but the work and patience of my sister.

Click here to vote for Jackie Dunbar MSP and Fergus

Find out more about Paul Sweeney MSP and Bru

MSP Name: Paul Sweeney

Region/Constituency: Glasgow Region

Dog’s Name: Bru             

Breed: Cavapoo

Sex: Male

Age: 2

Colour: Apricot/Ruby

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

Friendly, Cuddly, Energetic, Gentle, Silly, Affectionate, Smart

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

Bru (named affectionately after Scotland’s national drink Irn Bru due to his orange colour) often visits the office. When times are stressful, which they often are in politics, he is always there to cuddle, or play with. He is a calming presence, and his cute wee face will always make your day. I love the days when Bru comes into the office or joins me at community events, including most recently at our Heritage Bus Tour of Springburn. Whilst being an MSP would make it difficult to have a dog myself, I am so glad that I get to spend regular time with a pawsome friend like Bru.

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.

I met Bru when he was just a puppy and have regularly seen him since. He and I have had a special bond and he is always excited to see me. Since losing my own dog years ago I have always loved being in the presence of other dogs, but

Bru is particularly special. Bru is without a doubt the cutest dog I know, and he is charming and affectionate. Whenever you greet Bru he is over the moon to see you and never fails to give you tons of attention and cuddles. No matter if its hours, days, or weeks Bru misses your presence, and makes that known. Bru is a smart and playful dog who loves to play and run around, but most of all he is loving – it takes only a moment sat down on a sofa before Bru has climbed on up and rested his head on my lap, a truly adoring dog.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

Having a dog is demanding. They require a lot of attention and love to be truly happy, particularly when they are a puppy. But the hard work is worth every minute. Dogs give you unwavering companionship and friendship, they encourage you to spend time outdoors and have a brilliant effect on one’s mental wellbeing.

Bru is cavapoo, and what a brilliant mixed breed he is. Cavapoos are generally healthy dogs, the poodle half of them makes them smart and sporty and the cavalier side makes them loyal and cuddly. The perfect combination. Though be warned, cavapoos are like Velcro, they stick to you and don’t want to let go and therefore can develop attachment issues and struggle being alone.

In Bru’s case, he has a dog walker who comes during the working day, so he never spends too much time alone.

In general, I would say do the research into the kind of dog you want. Do you want a dog to exercise with and go on hikes or are you looking for a companion to sit on the sofa with and pootle around the park – this will determine the breed you should get.

In general, if you aren’t too concerned visit a rescue and meet the dog that is right for you.

In the case of Bru he was bought because he is hypoallergenic. This is great for those who suffer with allergies as they are more likely to be able to deal with having a dog.

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

Bru is an incredible dog and companion. He is utterly adorable; he simply cannot walk down the street without people stopping to clap him and say hello. He is nearly three so no longer a puppy but maintains that youthful spirit. He is brilliant with people, other dogs, and children. He is an adventurer and doesn’t fail to have fun in the great outdoors.

Bru is also known to support good causes, for example in November Bru took part in Marie Curie’s 100KM dog walk raising over £200 for the charity. Marie Curie is a charity which is close to my heart and that I proudly work with, and I was proud to see Bru take part in their fundraising efforts. Bru also attends local events in Glasgow and is a proud supporter of the Springburn Winter Gardens Trust (as seen in our photo) and the work being done to revitalise Springburn Park, which is his regular stomping ground.

Bru is simply the best dog. He is loyal, cuddly, and loved by all. Even those who say they don’t like dogs (unbelievable, I know) love Bru, and warm to him in no time.

Bru is a proud Scottish dog and would make a fine Holyrood Dog of the Year!

Click here to vote for Paul Sweeney MSP and Bru

Emma Harper MSP

Marie McNair MSP

Find out more about Emma Harper MSP and her Dogs Trust Companion

MSP Name: Emma Harper

Region/Constituency: South Scotland


Why have you chosen to enter with a Dogs Trust former rescue dog?

Since my election in 2016, and even before, I have been interested in pursuing issues relating to animal welfare. In the last session of Parliament, I passed the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2021 which increased the penalties available to prosecute those who allow their dogs to worry and attack livestock in the countryside. As part of the process of taking the Bill forward, I engaged with many dog owners, and their interest groups, and we helped to educate them on responsible dog ownership and access to the countryside. 

I have also been actively involved in work to raise awareness of, and prevent, illegal puppy trafficking. It is so important that people are aware of illegal puppy trafficking. 

What are your favourite characteristics in a dog?

My personal favourites are dogs loving nature – they are always there and provide unconditional loving. My own two Border Collies – Maya and Meg – are also very intelligent and curious. 

Why are dogs the best companion animals?

Dogs are the best because of their unconditional loving nature and the company they provide. They are also great in helping people meet their exercise goals and in getting people outside, which is great for physical and mental health. 

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog?

To ensure that they have the right circumstances in which to have a dog, to be able to responsibly provide it with all its needs – exercise, including walking, feeding and loving – and also to ensure that they follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and other guidance when out with their dog. Also, to research the various personalities of the various breeds of dogs and their behavioural traits and requirements. 

Why should you and your Dogs Trust former rescue dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

I believe my Dogs Trust dog should be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year because we are promoting responsible countryside access, raising awareness of responsible dog ownership and, importantly, ensuring that all dog owners are enjoying Scotland’s bonnie countryside responsibly. 

We are also continuing to promote the key signs and symptoms of illegal puppy trafficking. 

I chose to have a dog that’s available for rescue because my most recent dog, Meg, is from Dumfries and Galloway Canine Rescue, and I know how fantastic rescue dogs can be.

Click here to vote for Emma Harper MSP and her Dogs Trust companion

Find out more about Marie McNair MSP and Heidi

MSP Name: Marie McNair

Region/Constituency: Clydebank and Milngavie

Dog’s Name: Heidi

Breed: Biewer Terrier

Sex: Female

Age: 1yr 7months

Colour: White tri coloured Parti

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

Very Affectionate

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

Heidi helps her Nanna stay active after suffering a TIA and offers company and a warm lap to watch Poirot on tv.

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.

Heidi bonds with everybody.

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

Dogs enhance our lives.

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

Heidi is already a princess.

Click here to vote for Marie McNair MSP and Heidi

Finlay Carson MSP 


Find out more about Finlay Carson MSP and Corrie

MSP Name: Finlay Carson

Region/Constituency: Galloway and West Dumfries

Dog’s Name: Corrie Carson

Breed: Golden Labrador               

Sex: Male

Age: 20 months

Colour: Golden

What are your favourite characteristics of your dog?

He has an amazing dog smile! There are not many dogs who can smile, but he does and makes everyone around him smile… he also leaps on the spot when happy… all four paws off the ground, someone only wee dogs normally do! He can be quite fussy and mischievous…but always adorable!

How does your dog enhance your day to day life?

If you have been away for anytime he is always so pleased to see you. He is such a happy dog and is always wanting lots of physical contact… sometime leaping onto my lap unannounced! You can imagine how that is given how big he has now grown. He can change your mood in an instant!

Tell us about the bond you have with your dog.

He is so much part of our family. When we lost our old dog we didn’t mean to replace him straight away because our children were so young, but when we heard of Corrie needing a new home we couldn’t say no. He is the most loving of dogs I have ever had, and has such an affectionate side to him. He longs for constant petting and cuddles which can be difficult given his size! He is so much part of the family, and definitely best friend to my son Leo, the pair are inseparable!

What advice would you give to someone who wasn’t sure about getting a dog, or wasn’t sure about the type/breed of dog they wanted?  

Make sure that you realise how much time and money a dog can take. Like in Corries’s case, they grown from adorable wee puppies into adorable huge dogs in the blink of an eye. They do need love and attention as much as exercise! Think about your lifestyle, think about your income, and make sure they get the love and attention that they deserve.

Why should your dog be crowned Holyrood Dog of the Year 2024?

Corrie is a great example of how of how much part of the family a dog can become. He is loved by us all, despite his chewing of everything of value in the house and garden!

He also is a fantastic example of how wonderful it is taking on a rescue dog can be. You can have a wonderful pet in your family without having to buy which in some circumstances can lead to puppy farming to fill demand.

Next event

Don't forget we also run Westminster Dog of the Year!